Here at branches, to abide is one of our core values. Abide meets together every week as women of all ages to study scripture, hang out and pray together.
This Fall we are adding a second option for our women’s large group! Join Carrie online from 7 pm-8 pm to discuss the book “Native: Identity, Belonging, and Rediscovering God” by Kaitlin Curtice.
Register below, or text “abide” to 55498 to stay informed about all things Abide.
Anne Lamott, the bestselling spiritual writer who always has something smart and sassy to say, makes her own contribution to succinct devotional literature by reducing prayer to three words: help, thanks, and wow. She admits to not knowing much about prayer or God but then does a great job dealing with the mysteries surrounding both. At the core of her faith is the idea that "prayer can be motion and stillness and energy — all at the same time."
We will read this book in August! Since this is a short book we are switching up our schedule a bit as we get back in the swing of things for the Fall. Here is the schedule: Aug. 5 we will meet at First Watch on Kirby for breakfast at 7am. Aug. 12 we will meet at branches at 7am to go over the first half of the book. Aug. 19 we meet for breakfast again at First Watch at 7am and finally on Aug. 26 we meet at branches to finish the book!